Project Grid

This is part of a series of posts on Project Grid.

  1. Project Grid
  2. ThreeJS : Getting Started with ThreeJS
  3. ThreeJS : Creating a 3D World
  4. ThreeJS : Heads Up Display

Conceptual Overview

This is a multi-part series of blog posts on a project to create a web application providing a new way to organize and visualize content. The idea is to map the url – particularly the path, into grids that can contain different types of content. The content can be found based on its location (e.g. /something/something-else/?x=100&y=-250&z=300) which corresponds to a grid called “something-else” existing within another grid called “something” and at the 3D co-ordinate location [100,-250,300].

As such, out web application will render a visualization of 3D space in the browser and provide controls for navigating within that space as well as controls to travel between grids (navigation up and down the request path). It will also provide a way to visualize different types of content that can exist within a grid such as images, video, audio etc. These content types will be extensible so that new types can be added in the future.

This concept would provide a way to store a vast amount of content which can be consumed in a familiar and intuitive way. We can also provide features to help users locate content within grids that manipulate the 3D world to either transport the user to particular locations or to temporarily transport the content to them. Imagine for example being able to create a gravitational object that only affected content of a certain type within the current grid so that images, for example, were attracted to the users current location in 3d space temporarily.

Technology Stack

For this project, I will be building a REST service in ASP.NET Core that will use a document database to store the content that exists within a grid along with views to query that data based on the top level grid (e.g. the host), the specific grid (e.g. the path), and the co-ordinates (e.g. the query string).

The user interface will use WebGL for the 3D visualization and be implemented as a responsive experience. The interface will be optimized for desktop initially but the long term goal would be for this interface to work well across all devices that have a web browser and support WebGL so gesture support will be considered throughout.

Proof of Concept

This concept is an evolution of a previous 2D implementation which can be found here. You can tap items to interact with them or hold items to move them within the grid. Most items are grid links so you’ll notice that whilst at the root of the web application (/) there is a “Home” item at [0,0] that has no action whilst within a child grid (/contacts) there is a “Back” action at [0,0] that allows you to visit the parent grid – climbing up the path of the web application.

The source code for this 2D proof of concept can be found on GitHub.



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